You can’t win a game you don’t know you’re playing

One of the biggest setbacks that I hear a lot of inmates talk about is the “game”. For those that are unknowing about this term, it is a term used by those who forge their lives in the street code. This stigma has been implanted into not only the mind of the youth but even those who are well beyond their years. This stigma has no gender code, no race limitation, and it’s not barred by social status. The game is played by all those who feel that they have a chance at winning in life under a different set of rules. But what game are you really playing? Those of us who are locked up should be able to answer this question. Sadly, it is only the dead that knows the truth.


When you open up this package of entertainment for the mind…that which we call “THE GAME”. Your very intent as you insert this mental disc into your thoughts and press play is to become the best player to ever play the game. To level up and reach heights that no other player could ever reach. You follow the rules and regulations of the game as it is played, in an attempt to find yourself among those we call the “Greats”. The Greats, statues of fallen gamers and masterminds who traversed the Game at prestige levels but could never crack the code.

LEVEL ONE – ENTRANCE OF THE THOUGHT: The Game is presented to us at a young age. Either, through our social environments, what we watch and see through visual analysis, or what is spoken through auditory folklore and tales. In which we delight in the Game’s tantalizing mysteries, stories of battle worn heroes who either found success but lost their lives, or the woeful examples of those who brought disservice and couldn’t make the cut all together.

LEVEL TWO – ENTERTAINMENT OF THE THOUGHT: As we continue this journey we digest and marvel in the folklore that is now imprinted in our minds. We use these same folklores to fashion our personas to match what we think the image of our great heroes represented. We train our minds and our attitude to fit those ideologies, and we even reenact and rehearse these same roles amongst our peers to portray the concept of pupils in training.

LEVEL THREE – EXAMINATION OF THE THOUGHT: Over the course of time, we grow a little older and mature to the standards of our predecessors and peers. We are no longer amateurs or mere initiates of a quest; we can now call ourselves “Maneuvers”. We have now started to examine and take notes on what to and what not to do on this quest to conquer the Game. Through adventures and battle scenarios, we no longer walk carefully but traverse with a solid footing. With more experience, upgrades, and gear we walk confidently taking a few risks here and there. After several successful raids and conquests, finding that first monetary gain and desired treasures envelopes our mental characteristics to improve our base skills or unlock new skills to future our campaign. Our mind set is based on the simple thinking that if we keep up the right pace and conquer the right quests. We believe we are in control of our destiny.

LEVEL FOUR – ENGAGING IN THE ACTION AND BRINGING THIS MENTAL GAME INTO REALITY: We are now at a point in our journey where we have accumulated enough experience, gear, skills, and special talents. No longer are we soldiers or Maneuvers. We have banked enough class points to evolve and reinvent ourselves in the prestige class realm. Fully engaged in the Game we are now able to join different types of Guilds, Factions, and Organizations. We choose based on the best fit that will grant us a stable monetary lifestyle, to showcase our Status with the society and our high-priced possessions. In the realm of the prestige, we now have the ability and the authority to form our own raid parties, campaign sedition, and even declare war. In our minds we have graduated from small time expenditures to big time real estate. We live, breath, and grind mode. Because in our minds nothing can stop us from obtaining or retaining our stature.

LEVEL FIVE – EXPERIENCING THE TEMPORARY PLEASURES OF THE GAME: Fast money, fast automobiles, fast women, popularity, and peers endorsed fame are just some of the benefits this Game has to offer. What we soon forget is that with every action there is a reaction. Every coin has two sides to it. We gain the benefits on one side but create a debt on the other where a darker path lurks. This path is called the “Journey of Seen and Unforeseen Consequences”. Where your deeds whether good or bad will catch up to you, especially if you were not too careful or got too complacent. Jealousy, betrayal, envy, hate, and greed…one after another these situations find their way into your path. Either creating a detour, trying to derail you from your focus, or just to be nothing more than an obstacle. If these can’t get the job done then the Game brings in a much bigger monster, ” addiction”.

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