How does love survive with naught but a stamp to hold? How can one fulfill the duties of a lover while seperated? How can we hold on when so little is left to cling to? You smile when you see me the antics of a face painted carefully. Then when you go home tears wash Read More
Month: January 2024

When you think about the words, “breaking bread” your initial thought is the last supper when Jesus Christ is breaking bread with his disciples, right?? It takes you to a biblical timeline in history. In this case it’s still something very similar to that too. I mean, it isn’t exactly breaking a piece of bread Read More

I was too ashamed to ask for help because I thought I could handle things myself. It’s funny how the mind of a teenager when not kept in check will convince itself that they are adults and well equip to handle the world and its many problems. Only to become the problem and never the Read More

The sun was shining warmly for the end of January. The breeze was gentle with just a hint of winter upon its breath. I stood with two other lifers as they talked of their daily irritants. My eyes were following a wisp of cloud as it drifted the horizon. Appearing to dance and slither through Read More

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Sorry for the delay. It’s your story journey blogger here with another story. Forgive me for my absence, writing is one of the hardest things to do when your mind is not focused. Before I get into this story let me first encourage those who might read this that it’s okay to Read More

For some people who aren’t in contact with anyone, the opportunity to be seen and even heard means more to them then they can explain. Here is an individual who has come a long way from the boy they were and into the man that they are today. “My name is Charles Bukovsky and I’m Read More