In a world where things move fast, and everything seems small. It is in fact, the reality of how people move in the real world. Simple concepts like “promises”, don’t have valuable meaning. People in society move so quick that they don’t have that opportunity to stop and smell the flowers. They are NOT mindful, aware, or even have a clue in the world. There are so many variables that make a person so oblivious to social mannerism and philosophical reinforcements. Also, people become detached to diplomacy and lose track of their own moral compass. I believe that is the internal values that need to be healed or exposed first. In order, for someone to solely preach their own creed. This would foster more righteousness and peace in the world if people would just follow through. I am going to spotlight one very important commandment that needs practice from everyone is “keeping your word”.

Compared to being in prison, the smallest things can carry so much weight in here. The simplest acts of kindness or walking with integrity is valued. I suppose the actuality of morals and principles are more susceptible to have meaning when it’s at the forefront. When we have plenty of time to contemplate on our values, principles, and morals. This makes us more liable to protecting our image because of our moral intentions. Although, in the real world that doesn’t control the narrative of everyday life. The concept of HOLDING YOUR WORD IS MAJOR. It is what can make the individual or break the individual. This may seem like it wouldn’t be a significant to some people. But, that component of a person’s reputation in here is what will allow the individual to earn respect.

Trust and believe, that when someone breaks a promise, that there will be repercussions from it. Out in the community surrounded by strangers every day, it does not seem imperative. There have been scenarios in here where a person goes back on his word, and he loses all credibility. There’s a saying in here, “you only have two things in here of value your balls and your word”. That is self-explanatory, right?? That falls far from the meaning of deceit and deception. I believe that is a concept that everyone should abide by.

However, we know that the devil controls the narrative at times. People become victims of temptations and desire. I know that this seems miniscule to people. This is kept to the heart with most people who walk with integrity. This is a reflection of what you want your legacy to be. I was taught this from an old school convict back in the days. So, from there on, it has been essential for me to stay true. The way you carry yourself in here will follow you to the streets. So, remember to always ” keep your word because it is bond.”

If my readers have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me through instant messaging at via e-mail:

Want to know more about me and my journey? Or the advocacy work that I do look me up on newspaper website and read my article, “International Examiner”.

Francisco Sao

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