MANIFESTATION: A Mind on a Journey of Self – Part 3

“Well, for all persons each person is permitted to do of the available actions open to them. Only what will bring about the most good for them. This captures the core of act and consequentialism, which tells you to do whatever will best promote the gods overall. Impartially assessed many people reflect on what this demands because impartiality leaves little room for people to live their own lives. Or, in your case, do whatever you want to do whether good or bad. Because this action requires you for every available action, to act in a way that produces the greatest amount of good, period.” “Yeah, yeah. I get the point. Egoism requires too little of us.” Doulos said making light of my statement. ” Act consequentialism requires too much of us and that’s why you have to die!” Multiple thoughts ran through my mind as my life started to flash before my eyes. I wanted to close my eyes but I couldn’t.

I had to look death in its face. Its funny how we as people cause so much death but when its our turn, we have every plea, excuse, and reason as to why this shouldn’t happen to us. Doulos stared at me with a sinister smile on his face, then pulled the trigger. My heart skipped a beat as I heard the explosion of the fired shot. I knew my life was over. But I felt nothing. Checking myself, there was no blood and no wound Well, look at that. It looks like you got the blank round. Doulos said smiling. Well, Ill be. Made you piss your pants didn’t it? I just stared at Doulos as he still had the gun pointed at me. I guess its my turn now, huh? Doulos said taking a deep breath. Bang! Doulos yelled out as he pulled the trigger again but this time the firing pin clicked on an empty chamber. I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes as I laid my head down on the table. What just happened, why arent you dead? Doulos asked confused. In that moment I started laughing. I didnt know why at first, I just laughed. It was a laugh that was deeply rooted from years of pain and anger. It flowed out of me and I felt like I couldnt stop.

When I lifted my head from the table tears could be seen on my face but my eyes were that of a mad man. Doulos looked at me puzzled. Why are you laughing, do you find something amusing? I dont know why Im laughing, I said in between fits. But it is kinda obvious why. Doulos started to get angry. Whats obvious?! he yelled slamming his fist on the table. I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe you should try and shoot me again. Given to his anger Doulos pointed the gun at me and pulled the trigger three more times. With each squeeze of the trigger the firing pin clicked on an empty chamber. Is this your idea of some kind of joke? Doulos roared furiously. Oh, I know what you’ve been up to. You planned this whole ordeal to get rid of that dead weight weasel, didn’t ya? Getting rid of dead weight is correct, but this game isn’t over yet. I replied pointing to the clock, then extending my hand toward Doulos. Now, give me the gun. Doulos looked at the gun, then at me. I have no idea what you’re cooking but something is definitely fishy. “Just give me the gun and you’ll understand.” I replied.

Doulos reluctantly slid the gun over to me and I took hold of it. I ejected the clip and showed him that it was empty. Then I jacked the slid of the barrel and on que the bullet flipped out and landed on the table. “See no tricks,” I said as I took the bullet and placed it into the clip, slid the clip back into the gun, and cocked the hammer. “Here, I’ll show you what I’ve learned.” I placed the gun to my head and pulled the trigger, just like before the firing pin clicked on an empty chamber. “You see, this situation is very important to understand. You must face your consequences no matter what they are, in short paraphrased he who loves his life will lose it but he who hates his life will gain it. Its a simple rule might I add. I’ve walked a chaotic and destructive path.

By my own hands I was condemned to death, but just before death would have me. A light appeared and a hand from the clouds caught me up and carried me to place of reconstructing hardship. I had to be refined for the work I am called to do. Did you not wonder why I chose this very place for a meeting. Even in darkness that surrounds us do you not see the light? I say this to say, my enemy how confident are you in your path? Are you willing to sacrifice the last step of your journey before you fall off entirely? Doulos looked at me, I couldn’t read his expression but he was in deep thought. ” So, if I’m getting this right you want me to either pledge my allegiance to change my life or take this gun, put it to my head, and pull the trigger?” “Indeed it will go off and your life with it.” I replied.

To be continued….

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