man, bullhorn, megaphone-5594748.jpg

man, bullhorn, megaphone-5594748.jpgI’m on a Black Lives Matter kick

Gee! I wonder why

Must be the news making me sick

Could be the deadly pandemic

The selfishness or ignorance pandemic

Been there and done that

Now look where I’m at.

I wish I was out to spin you some lines

With hopes of putting some love on your minds

So you can cut it out and help save some lives

I was twenty-five when my life changed right before my eyes

I’ve been down now for twenty-six

And still trying to save the rest of whatever I have left.

I’m not hear to preach I’m here to teach

From the East New York streets

So hear me clear

Before your life too disappears

I’ve been away one too many years

So LISTEN and take heed

Because OUR children NEED to breathe

And ask yourself NOW before it’s Too Late: “How did I get here?”

“What am I doing?” “Why am I here?”


One voice is all it takes to make some change today.


* The beliefs, opinions, values, and perspectives expressed/shared by our guests, interviewee’s, and guest blogger’s are indeed their own and not that of PrisonBaes LLC, their affiliates, and employees. 

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