“If you go back and try to scream at the past you trip over the future,” –Lionel Richie.
What will always be glaring are the What IF’s
What IF this had happened
What IF that had happened
What IF I had seeked help beforehand or onset
How might life be different
How might lives of families, friends and communities Be Different?
It seems so challenging, so courageous
To not get stuck with the What IF’s fact Instead wilfully bring oneSelf to the present
And deal with what is NOW with resentment
Honor what it takes to do that
What IF it’s not condolences it’s repentance
With your sentence.
What IF you acknowledge your wrongs
One day you will sing a new song
What IF you admit to being broken
Seek help and once again be strong
What IF your calling, your purpose and falling
Are Dedicated to being LOVE and being KIND
You and All would find some peace of mind.
June 25, 2021 (Derek Cheauvin’s (sp.?) trial comments).
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