“To err is to be human, to forgive is divine,” -Alexander Pope.
If you go back to review tabloid headlines of decades ago Then I’m the most evil thing still breathing our world But if you get to know me and Who I Am today It will be hard for you to harmonize With what you’ve read of me of yesterday.
A repressed child incest Grew Poison Ivy stems No one felt interests Her life and story didn’t matter to any of them In God We Trust didn’t exist in the system.
Coming face to face with my abuser twenty years later Childhood attacks boomeranged back In a real horrifying and heinous way Drugs, alcohol, sex-trade and cocaine came after that A real badass dominatrix I became Something broke in me and there was shame.
A little-Brown-Latina-Girl From Brooklyn, East New York Living her dream now lost in our unjust world No One of any color stepping forward for support…
Thirty years ago No One cared I was legally earning six-figures- plus by 21 years old. No One ever asked.
No One ever cared I landed my dream job as a broker at 25. No One ever asked.
No One cared I had No criminal chronicle. No One ever asked.
And No One cared it was the recollection of a repressed childhood trauma that caused my decline. Hindsight astronomical.
All they cared about and saw was a little-Brown-Latina-girl from the Brooklyn streets of crime. Still feels like a modeling gig with hundreds of polite declines Thirty years now and still doing time Still facing another three dimes Still No Excuses for the enormity of it all No One should have died But please try to paint a picture of me Beyond headlines and rap sheets Of decades ago If you believe in second chances Here’s an inspiring story untold Still holding onto hope Still doing it afraid Still moving forward with faith Still shook Please take a second look Why Not Me Too.
“How ironic one learns to live in a place where they were sent to die,” -Chef C.
September 17, 2021
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