“So its been a few weeks since my last blog and I just wanted to take time to express something on my mind as I’m sitting hear reading the word.”
“I can honestly say that when I take time to search for answers or guidance because I may be going through a time of emotional roadblocks , It brings Joy to my very soul to know I can find EVERYTHING I’m looking for in my ( The Prisoners For Christ Study Bible) I think a lot of guys in prison who may not be religious and may not have some form of a spiritual foundation get these overwhelming life’s unfair circumstances of trials and tribulations or even thoughts or fears or even sometimes insecurities with no outlet or positive healthy ways to handle and deal with them in here on the daily.
So for all of you out there who go through these same things I’m proud of you if you got your S**t together and the best thing you could do is pay it forward and help the next person you know could use and appreciate your help no matter how small or how big.” “It’s the thought and just the smallest gestures that go a long way for men in here.We all make mistakes and maybe more then others,but we ALL FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD!! An We ALL are only saved through no good deed of our own… but only alone by( GODS GRACE ITSELF!!) “An unfortunately ALL around us inside these county and prison cells is all the wrong answers and a lot of the time all the wrong people. See there is a very small amount or group if you will of us men in here that actually would give another man some genuine good advice. Because basically men talking about there feelings in here is like a form of Prison taboo.”
“A lot of us may not have someone to call on the phone or write a letter too or visit, an those are the ones who I know feel truely lonely and lost!!” “I know this because I have been that guy and at anytime on any day my little support I have in here and outside of here can decide they just don’t want to do this time with me anymore.” “That is a personal fear of mine all in itself because I don’t have the best of luck with good hearted strangers actually reaching out to me with encouraging words or advice, See if you have read any of my previous posts you’d know by now I grew up without a good father figure, And anything you can think as disfunctional and unhealthy and add that to being placed in the youth fostercare system of Washington state”
“Anyways back on track, I actually enjoy helping others and so I have to stop myself sometimes from giving my opinions and points of view or even friendly advice,because frankly some of the guys in here just don’t give a S**t and prefur to walk around …acting…as if everything is alright,Let’s be real..Prison is full… of BROKEN,DAMAGED,NEGLECTED, BETRAYED,ABANDONED, And even just Bad intentioned men, with selfish motives at times and so People like me have to have farsight to see who is who from there words and then actions, consistency shows me everything I need to know.” My point is, because I am a Christian and what Christians do is strive to lift up and bring through prayer, bible studies, friendly talks, listening ears, selflessness, giving without expecting return, and most importantly… Walking with faith in Christ ourselves, am currently working on being a better man all around in every area because when I was in my addiction and was hustling and pushing drugs to my community and adding to the opioid problem instead of being a positive solution to the city’s pollution, I had to look at the man in the mirror and start taking part of my own self development and healing”.
“So for me speaking on but not glorifying, not skipping but…accepting the blame and being accountable for my actions is how I am growing in faith and as a man and as a man I was meant to be with the trust and will of GODS plan,Everything happens for a reason, My testimony of what I’ve lived and been through has at a point already BROKEN me but its also through time STRENGTHENED ME!! Someone once told me GOD saves his toughest battles for his strongest and mightiest soldiers and I truely now believe on that, an I will tell you..I’m very sorry and very ashamed, and through my destruction I am with GODS help working on a new foundation of spiritual, physical, emotional, repairs of construction.”
” So even though I even do stumble and am far from perfect I have to walk the walk if I’m going to talk the talk, luckily Jesus Christ made that a little easy for guys like me because anyone that knows the bible knows his disciples were all FAR from perfect themselves,so it’s not about what you have done in your past but what you start now as you choose to really walk with Christ to do to re-write your wrongs because our LORD GOD can move any mountain and will answer any prayer.. in the book of Mathew it says (Seek 1st the Kingdom of the LORD and all its glory and all its righteousness and …Everything else will follow!!) So what I can do from this day forward is use my past mistakes to navigate me forward because I already understand and acknowledge what my setbacks are, I hope that makes sense.”
(Deadly Desires) Book of PROVERBS 1.)
Illicit sex brings long-term penalties/Prov .5:3-6 2.). Dishonest wealth is worthless compared to gains made through hard work/(13-11) 3.) Defering hope can feel awful but leads to ultimate satisfaction (13-12) 4.) Good advice can feel irritating at first but yields blessings (19:20) 5.) People may appear to get ahead by lying,cheating,and stealing,but GODS justice in the next life will show that righteousness is the right choice. (23:17,18) 6.) Intoxication seems satisfying, but it’s brief pleasure exacts a heavy price. (23:29-35) Proverbs 16:25 Say’s, “There is a way that seems right to a man,but it’s end is the way of death.”
I leave you with this….Learning to wait for good things is a significant sign of wisdom because it requires seeing past immediate indulgences to superior benefits that come with time.
* The beliefs, opinions, values, and perspectives expressed/shared by our guests, interviewee’s, and guest blogger’s are indeed their own and not that of PrisonBaes LLC, their affiliates, and employees
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