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ai generated, dinner, family-8502469.jpgThis is something that has took years for the American people to recognize and honor. About time, someone realizes the beauty in the culture of Asian Pacific Islanders. This has been a long time coming. Considering the fact that AAPI make up more than 10% of the American population. Not to mention, the historical events that occurred from the building of this nation in the past. We failed to realize that Asians and Pacific Islanders have contributed to the rise of this nation through our ancestors.

From the construction of the Transcontinental railroads to the planting of all the sugarcane plantations, just to name a couple. These are some contributions to the nations economy and political campaigns in order to inherit prosperity. This foundation has been rooted from a false narrative of AAPI people under the illusion that this is the country of freedom. With that being said, throughout wars and political involvements from other nations, we people believed that this was a chance to start over. Therefore, some families fled their countries to seek refuge. Or just migrated to escape the extreme political laws. Just to find out that this only allowed them a brief moment away from that reality just to experience more oppressive laws.

We know that America is a melting pot of diverse ethnicities. We realize that this was a land that gave us and our families a safe place to live. Which we are grateful for. I just want to take this opportunity to express my feelings on the topic of AAPI heritage month. This is something that is really degrading and insulting. As an API man, I practice and live my life as an API individual everyday. I do not need one month to celebrate my culture. Although, I am grateful that the legislators and politicians implemented a month to honor our heritage. Also, why the month of May? What is the significance of this month? When I was asked to write an article for this month because it is AAPI month, I had mixed emotions. It wasn’t from the lack of knowledge from that individual. But how my culture has been limited to only one month out of a whole year.

I would like to acknowledge those Asian American Pacific Islanders men and women who honors this month as our heritage month. I respect all of y’all. But, I don’t need foreign entities to tell me when to celebrate my culture, customs, and traditions. However, I want to go on record by educating and raising the awareness to those who may or may not know. The term API(Asian Pacific Islander) was birth from within these walls of prisons. It was created and orginated by prisoners to be a part of the population on the inside. For the longest, API’ s have always been listed as “other”. Now, we are considered to be a statistic when a consensus is implemented. When stakeholders and legislators make a survey, API’s have a voice within the fabric of that subject. The objective of that was for API’s to be able to have a seat at the table when it impacts our community.

Contrary to popular belief, API’s are becoming more and more important in the fabric of society. There are these industries that we take advantage of and display our talents and skills. I am proud to call myself a Asian Pacific Islander man because there is so much beauty in my culture and history. I would love to continue to carry on the legacy of my ancestors. Being able to carry that torch is an honor. I will always take pride in all the teachings of my people. These lived experiences will only make the story that much more significant when its from an organic viewpoint. For all those who do not embrace their nationality of API descent. Do not ever neglect loving something that is rightfully yours from birth, your culture and history.

If my readers have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me through instant messaging at via e-mail:

Want to know more about me and my journey? Or the advocacy work that I do look me up on newspaper website and read my article, “International Examiner”.

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