What Being a Business Owner From Prison Means To Me

This is one of the hardest things I’ve experienced while being incarcerated. I came in with certain interest that generated money for me. After becoming incarcerated and accused of a crime, I realize no matter the fact that I was accused of a serious offence, I still could’ve bought my freedom back by posting $250,000 US Dollars and putting up a property as collateral. Learning this, my mentality began to shift to generating money being my priority. As I grew myself and continued fine tuning parts of me that needed work, I opened myself to ideas. I began writing down everything.

Every song, every logo and sketch. Every name and thought that could be used during my transition into legitimate business. This turned into me beginning to write. Before I knew it I was on my second book and had done some studying on the basics of building a business foundation. Prison takes large percentages of every dollar that is sent to me and overall I just felt micromanaged. So I felt strongly of applying what I learned in my business research in order to have full ownership of my intellectual property. I started a company called Sixteen Publishing back in 2022 using LegalZoom and a family member to use my debit card and process my LLC application. My goal was to release a few books to create a body of work then I’d be able to take on projects for others I may meet along the way.

There are incredible life stories in prison and out in the world and I’d love to be the platform to help them be heard. This opportunity to become successful now or work towards success also ensures me I can become s provider for my family I’m hoping to create. During the building of this, I partnered with my ex wife and made her a vital part of every decision. She did not want that position for her own reasons and ultimately I realised creating a brand, a new identity and making this company into something lucrative is my dream, not hers so she was not fully invested. I felt that same energy from a few others and that’s not the least. At least they tried, others just flat out ignored my vision and progression altogether. They see it now though. The issue I faced being a incarcerated business owner is the disconnect of vision. Also it was people being involved who only want to participate for their own reasons. To this day I don’t have a issue sharing profits or drawing up a contract to ensure someone that they aren’t helping me progress in vain. I create a very comfortable space for my partners and I’ve done a lot of research to give the right guidance and instructions for us to win.

I have the business bank account setup and am approved for a business credit line and more. I’ve kept the accounts on track for two years so far, thus making the business in the clear for substantial grants and opportunities. Several books are for sale on amazon and the company website. This was all done from prison. Creating the brand now while I am still incarcerated means so much for me because I believe it is a determining factor of my success upon release. Having something solid to come home to gives me so much needed faith and something legitimate to believe in with the same passion I did while committing crimes to succeed. Coming home to a foundation that is set means I don’t have to question where I will work. I can put my vehicle and home in the company name and live without my criminal history holding me back or creating invisible lines within society for me.

Coming home to this means I have a chance. There’s one less risk I’ll be tempted to take out of desperation on my part and I know I can use my social skills to promote and advertise. Thus helping me transition into society in a way that’s helpful rather than hurtful. This can ultimately help me become the provider my family deserves and stepping up after the mistakes I’ve made have set me back. Transitioning takes free will, drive vision and dedication however your partner is a pivotal role in your transition and you need to be able to trust them to see the vision and do what they can to help things come to fruition. The feeling of not having someone I can trust triggers fear and anxiety but I don’t let it control me or spiral me.

I just continue to work at my craft from behind these walls and visualize what I want and where I’m going. It will all pay off and the lack of support is temporary. Upon release I plan to live in Paris for a year and Italy for six month at least to secure some connections on garments and with people who will model my products. It all starts now, though because the sooner I can prepare, the better my execution will be.

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