Prison personal Bible study:
Its not everyday that a convicted Drug Dealer can go from “Saleing Dope” to then “Saleing Hope” Pushen illegal work 4 a fallen Antichrist ” to then “Serving the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ” The only way is to invite this begotten son and Holy Man into your life, to one day reach them pearly gates and that promised Heavenly Paradise. . So… MARK 10) 23-27 and 31 extra credit!! Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard is it for those with riches to enter the kingdom of GOD!” And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answered again and said to them.”Children, how hard is it for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of GOD!
It is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter the kingdom of GOD”. And they were greatly astonished, saying among themselves, “Who then can be saved?” But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God All things are POSSIBLE”. But many who are first will be last,and the last first” .
My thoughts: See I think that is astounding in itself that the fact God loves us so much that he did not only sacrifice his only begotten son to die and bear the many sins of the human race on his shoulders and to have his anger and the judgment of sin to be laid down on Jesus Christ with every lashing he suffered with a whip that shredded his precious back and tore away the flesh and poured forth his blood when it should of been our blood. He not only did that and then took upon himself the pain and suffering of every man and women sinner big and small , rich and poor but he did it with “No regrets” because he loved us, because he knew that it was the only way to have sin be paid for through Gods justice and be served to follow Gods just Law. He knew it was our only hope to avoid judgement from God, and that GOD said way before Jesus was even born that “The wages of sin is Death.” So because Jesus was the sacrificial lamb who took our place, through believing he died for us and finally conquering death and coming back to life and arising 3 days later and being now back seated at the right-hand side of God on his own throne, we Are Saved!!, and It is even more amazing how like in the passage of Mark Jesus explains the Difficulty, wait No..the Impossibility!! yet the “Better chance” for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle!! Because he is explaining how MORE difficult it is for greedy Rich people to enter the kingdom of GOD, that a BigA** Camel would have a better chance too enter heaven!!
An that’s reassuring to me because I grew up poor and still am poor and when I think of ever wanting to be a billionaire on this the very short time I have left, I would rather live humbly with the lowly and the people who don’t need mansions to get by and survive. I only need what God provides through his will, in this short amount of time left on this earth, are Mansions are in heaven!!..its comforting to know ..The Rich who are always 1st now..will be Last in the Kingdom of God, for they have already received their Just reward here on earth.
Amen to that Right!! GODBLESS
Respectfully: Mr.Jacob Anders
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