One of the fastest growing populations within prison is transwomen. However, the prison system was originally designed for cisgender men, making it a cis-male-centric institution. Due to the twofold understanding of gender within our legal system, prison/corrections centers do not have proper training and procedures for dealing with trans bodies. Therefore, the court systems depend Read More

Silence not often heard here, in societies cattle pen. Neighbors up coughing and hacking toilets, flushing throughout the night. A constant buzz – security lights, a constant tension attributed, to sleep deprivation. The whirl of tattoo guns, the acutely heard jingle – “Keys on the tier!” The whirl dies away, the tension remains. Collective sighs Read More

For many, myself included, celebrating Valentine’s day was something we sort of, well just did. Right? As children we passed around Valentine’s cards to our classmates and as we got older we begun gift giving and being enveloped by romance. How many of us actually know the reason for why on this one day we Read More

How does love survive with naught but a stamp to hold? How can one fulfill the duties of a lover while seperated? How can we hold on when so little is left to cling to? You smile when you see me the antics of a face painted carefully. Then when you go home tears wash Read More

When you think about the words, “breaking bread” your initial thought is the last supper when Jesus Christ is breaking bread with his disciples, right?? It takes you to a biblical timeline in history. In this case it’s still something very similar to that too. I mean, it isn’t exactly breaking a piece of bread Read More

I was too ashamed to ask for help because I thought I could handle things myself. It’s funny how the mind of a teenager when not kept in check will convince itself that they are adults and well equip to handle the world and its many problems. Only to become the problem and never the Read More