
People have been getting tattoo’s done in prison for generations, they’ve sort of been like a rite of passage, and they hold more meaning than just self-expressive body ink. Be honest, when you think of prison tattoo’s you envision the “Stick ‘n Poke” technique, prayer hands, spider webs placed on elbows, crosses, barbed wire wrapped Read More

Our cultural identity plays a major role in our incarcerated journey. It determines our cellies, social circles, where we can and cannot go, personal growth and rehabilitation, and so on. Culture is arguably everything in prison, so having equal representation, opportunity, resources and fair treatment is very important. Cultural groups create a sense of togetherness, Read More

Time spent incarcerated can go by sluggishly slow or seemingly quick. This is determined by your day-to-day routines. When I came to prison, I was 20, therefore my age combined with my charge – first degree murder – meant my incarcerated journey had to begin at a closed/maxed custody level facility. These facilities are the Read More

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