Meet the great minds behind the apparel startup, Founder/Co-owner Erick Jordan and Co-owner Michael Alden. Meeting in prison these entrepreneurs immediately recognized that their core values not only aligned but saw that their differences and ambitions presented an opportunity to pool together and create something beyond themselves. Above all else their vision/mission has given Read More

Incarcerated individuals sharing a cell are commonly known in the outside world as cellmates, but in prison they’re called cellies, and if you ask any prisoner about having a celly they’ll tell you how important it is to have a good one. Just like roommates in the outside world, you must learn to live together, Read More

A Contrepreneur is a title I use for those incarcerated that don’t spend their time sitting around. Instead, they take their rehabilitation and future into their own hands through chasing and accomplishing their entrepreneurial goals. Whether that’s establishing a hustle within prison, starting and/or maintaining their own business(es), and putting their cash to work through Read More

To all the Kings and Queens, My name is Francisco Sao. I am the co-founder of the “Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Awareness Group (APICAG)” here at Stafford Creek Corrections Center. I serve as the Vice President of the group since 2018. I am an educator and facilitator of my Asian and Pacific Islander ancestry and Read More

For many, the holiday season is a time of family gatherings, giving, tradition, new memories, sharing and celebrating the values that bring us closer together. Holidays are also an opportunity to strengthen our bonds by showing our love and appreciation for one another. They can bring us unity through togetherness, generosity, and gratitude. For these Read More

My true name is Takari Kyiel Cavil, but I’m currently incarcerated under (ISAAC CAVIL #877610). I’m writing from Aberdeen, Washington at Stafford Creek Correctional Center. I am an Author, Artist, and Entrepreneur. I own three successful businesses and I’m looking to build my own empire. I’ve been blessed to use this platform to share with Read More