My attorney, Paul Grosswald will be appealing a Decemberdenial tomorrow in the state of New Jersey. Please send many Blessings and please storm heaven with prayers. HOLA! SHALOM! KNEE-HOW! AS-SALAMU ALAYKUM! Thank You! and Amen… * The beliefs, opinions, values, and perspectives expressed/shared by our guests, interviewee’s, and guest blogger’s are indeed their own and Read More

Who Am I? I Am One who would rather stand with Jesus and be judged by people, than stand with people and be judged by Jesus. Stanzas from my poem, “My Melody” (9/05/20/ revised: 8/11/24): They say everyone goes to prison All of a sudden they’re an artist And become all Holy and Christian So Read More

There are certain things that human beings should never experience However, when they do it is intended for those encounters to be categorized under the coined phrase “Life Learned Lessons.” As an incarcerated individual, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are a number of lessons I’ve ignored or took for granted in everyday life. Read More

“To err is to be human, to forgive is divine,” -Alexander Pope. If you go back to review tabloid headlines of decades ago Then I’m the most evil thing still breathing our world But if you get to know me and Who I Am today It will be hard for you to harmonize With what Read More

Living in prison is not an easy experience by any means. It involves loss of freedom, limited social interactions, and strict rules and regulations. However, there are some prisoners who may actually prefer life in prison over life in society. This preference can be influenced by several factors, and in this blog, we will explore Read More

Imagine… – Being born in the era of afros and bell bottoms, – Having both biological parents, two older siblings, you being the only girl, – In an upper middle class neighborhood, where the village indeed helped raised the children, – Where holidays and Christmas’ were highly anticipated because each one was better than the Read More