Prison personal Bible study: Its not everyday that a convicted Drug Dealer can go from “Saleing Dope” to then “Saleing Hope” Pushen illegal work 4 a fallen Antichrist ” to then “Serving the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ” The only way is to invite this begotten son and Holy Man into your life, Read More
Category: Jacob Anders

This is for me to give insight into a long distance relationship while incarcerated. You see a lot of us either attempt to put ourselves on Pen-Pal sites in hopes of meeting ah REAL ONE!! Someone who is understanding and not judgemental and Enjoys Emails and Phone calls, then there is some of us who Read More

“So its been a few weeks since my last blog and I just wanted to take time to express something on my mind as I’m sitting hear reading the word.” “I can honestly say that when I take time to search for answers or guidance because I may be going through a time of emotional Read More

This is my second Blog now, but just wanted to share a bit more of my story and background. I grew up 9 kids deep in a mixed family setting. I’ve lived in Several different states, like California, Texas, Oregon, Arizona, Ohio. When I was 13 I was placed into foster care and was there Read More